有效期間:民國 102年12月01日 102年12月31日

    Case Discussion

Presentation of Case

A 52-year-old man with coronary artery disease (CAD), one-vessel disease, was admitted to the hospital because of intermittent episodes of dyspnea and chest tightness for 6 months. He had undergone angioplasty and stenting for CAD, but the symptoms worsened. He took an anti-platelet agent and beta-blocker for CAD regularly. He didn’t smoke and consume alcohol. The family history was not remarkable. His occupation involved moving house..

Initially, he presented with progressive exertional dyspnea, orthopnea, and paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea. He also noted petechiae and purpura at the periorbital, neck, axilla, and inguinal regions. Massive bilateral pleural effusions were revealed by a chest radiograph, and thoracentesis showed findings consistent with transudate effusion.

On physical examination, the patient was afebrile and in the supine position had blood pressure of 96/73 mm Hg and a regular heart rate of 63 beats per minute. He was breathing at a rate of 24 breaths per minute. Oxygen saturation by oximetry was 99% while he was breathing oxygen via nasal cannula at a rate of 3L/min.

Cardiovascular exam revealed jugular vein engorgement and a grade 3/6 systolic ejection murmur at the apex without radiation. Auscultation revealed fine crackles at the bilateral lungs. The abdomen was flat and no tenderness was found. There was pitting edema of the bilateral lower extremities.

Electrocardiogram (Figure. 1) revealed a normal sinus rhythm at a rate of 64 beats per minute and left axis deviation. QS-pattern was noted in the inferior leads and poor R wave progression in the precordial leads. There was diffuse T wave inversion in lead I, AVL and V2 to V6.

A transthoracic echocardiogram revealed left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy (wall thickness of the interventricular septum and posterior wall 1.6 cm each) [Normal range, <1.3 cm] (Figure. 2), bi-atrial enlargement, small pericardial effusion (Figure. 3), moderate mitral regurgitation, and mild tricuspid, aortic, and pulmonic valve regurgitation. On 2-dimensional imaging, the myocardium had granular sparkling texture (Figure. 4). Left ventricular systolic function was severely reduced, with an ejection fraction of 30% [Normal range, >60 %]. Besides, LV diastolic function was markedly abnormal as was shown by severely the diminished peak early diastolic velocity (E’) of the medial mitral annulus by tissue Doppler imaging (Figure. 5). The blood velocity pattern at the mitral leaflet tips was consistent with restrictive pattern (Figure. 6).

Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) disclosed delayed enhancement and perfusion defects in the endocardium (anterior basal subendocardium of LV and septal wall ). Delayed enhancement of the pericardium was also noted (Figure. 7).

Coronary angiography revealed patent left main, left anterior descending and left circumflex coronary artery. There was no ISRS [In-stent restenosis] in the right coronary artery. Endomyocardial biopsy was performed and pathology showed cardiac amyloidosis (Figure. 8). A bone marrow study revealed plasma-cell myeloma.

During the hospital stay, an episode of infection developed, which worsened heart failure. Mechanical support was instituted for cardiogenic shock and bortezomib was begun for plasma-cell myeloma. However, fatal arrhythmia developed. Despite all resuscitative efforts, he expired.

Figure legends:

Figure 1. Complete ECG.

Figure 2. Thickened left ventricular wall.

Figure 3. Thickened left ventricular wall (without chamber enlargement), interatrial septum and valve leaflets; bi-atrial enlargement; small amount pericardial effusion.

Figure 4. Granular sparkling texture.

Figure 5. Low mitral annular tissue Doppler E velocity.

Figure 6. Restrictive pattern of mitral inflow.

Figure 7. Cardiac MRI. delayed enhancement and perfusion defects in the endocardium.

Figure 8. Congo red-stained cardiac tissue.


類澱粉病變(amyloidosis)是由血清裡的蛋白質以特殊的排列(beta-pleated sheet configuration)成纖維(fibril),沉積在全身特定的器官,心臟也是其中之一,一但侵犯了心臟,代表疾病已進展至後期,預後不佳。類澱粉蛋白有很多種類,是以蛋白質的前驅物命名,最常見侵犯心臟的種類是輕鏈(light-chain)型,這種類澱粉病變我們稱之為AL amyloidosis.

在成年人,如果出現無法解釋的心臟衰竭,而且在心臟超音波上有發現心臟壁有增厚 (但左心室腔室沒有增大),就要把cardiac amyloidosis放在鑑別診斷之一 (尤其是此人沒有高血壓病史來解釋心臟壁的增厚)。其他有可能的發現還包括心電圖有低電壓(low voltage), 臨床症狀 - 暈厥, 胸痛, 心律不整, 中風, 周邊神經病變, 蛋白尿, 眼周圍紫斑, 肝脾腫大。

心臟超音波在診斷上相當重要,可以發現心室壁, 瓣膜, 心房中膈增厚 (有些甚至會出現granular sparkling texture). 左心室的收縮功能及舒張功能會下降,最嚴重的舒張功能下降會出現限制型型態. 心房的收縮功能也會下降而擴大,甚至產生血栓。


治療上應針對兩方面,心臟衰竭以及類澱粉病變。心臟衰竭治療以環狀利尿劑(loops diuretics)及限鹽為主力,在其他原因造成的心臟衰竭常使用的乙型阻斷劑(beta-blocker) and 血管收縮素轉換酶抑制劑/血管收縮素轉換酶受器阻斷劑(ACEI/ARB) 在此類型的心臟衰竭病人身上可以使用,但病人常常會不堪負荷(如:低血壓)。鈣離子通道阻斷劑則不可使用。抗凝血藥物在有心房顫動, 心臟內血栓, 血管栓塞疾病或是心房擴大的病人身上建議使用。類澱粉病變的治療則是以化療為主,可以選高劑量melphalan再加上自體血液幹細胞移植, 也可以選擇以bortezomib為主的處方。

A輕鏈型(Light-chain Amyloidosis, AL)
B家族型或老年型(Familial or senile Amyloidosis, ATTR)
C次髮型(Secondary Amyloidosis, AA)
D重鏈型(Heavy-chain Amyloidosis, AH)
A皮下組織(Subcutaneous tissue)
B毛囊(Hair follicle)
C小型血管(Small vessel)
下列何者最為可靠確診cardiac amyloidosis的檢查?
下列何者為最常和cardiac Amyloidosis同時出現的血液疾病?
A多發性骨髓瘤(multiple myeloma)
B淋巴瘤 (lymphoma)
C再生不良性貧血 (aplastic anemia)
D地中海型貧血 (thalassemia)
下列何者藥物要避免使用在治療 cardiac Amyloidosis 所造成的心衰竭?
A環狀利尿劑 (loop diuretics)
B鈣離子通道阻斷劑 (calcium channel blockers)
C血管收縮素轉換酶抑制劑 (angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors)
D乙型阻斷劑 (beta-blockers)
  1. (A)類澱粉蛋白據文獻可多達26種,成年人中常侵犯心臟的有輕鏈型, 家族型或老年型以及次發型, 其中以輕鏈型型最為常見。

  2. (C)侵犯血管的表現包括皮膚的紫斑,下肢跛行以及心絞痛。皮膚紫斑通常在用力咳嗽,打噴嚏或是輕微撞到之後容易出現,是侵犯微血管的表現。而且侵犯到冠狀動脈,也是以較為細小的血管為主,所以在做心導管檢查僅有些微異常或是看不到異常的部分。

  3. (B)常見的超音波異常包括心室壁, 瓣膜, 心房中膈增厚 (有些甚至會出現granular sparkling texture). 左心室的收縮功能及舒張功能會下降,最嚴重的舒張功能下降會出現限制型型態. 心房的收縮功能也會下降而擴大,甚至產生血栓。

  4. (D)一般來說是侵犯到器官而造成症狀才會開始檢查,其中心臟超音波是很重要的檢查,有很多很特別的發現。而心臟核磁造影也有特殊的發現-心內膜下的延遲顯影。但在最後要確診還常常需要靠心肌切片檢查。

  5. (A)多發性骨髓(multiple myeloma)是骨髓中漿細胞的比例超過10%。而amyloidosis則是漿細胞所產生的輕鏈到處沉積在不同的器官。若符合診斷條件,有時候會有這兩種診斷。但在臨床表現還是有分比較偏向multiple myeloma的,和比較偏向amyloidosis的。若是比較偏向multiple myeloma的則對化療反應較佳(化療是針對漿細胞而非輕鏈)。


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