有效期間:民國 90年02月16日 90年02月28日

    Case Discussion

      A 52-year-old male patient began to suffer from progressive yellowish discoloration of skin and dark urine since 1 month ago. The brown color of his stool became lighter in 2 weeks. Generalized skin itching developed for 3 days. Mild anorexia and weight loss for 2 kg was also noted in this month. There was no abdominal pain or fever developed during this period. He did not smoke and drank alcohol only on social occasions. He denied any history of chronic liver disease, parasite infestation or chronic drug usage.

       Physically, his consciousness was clear, vital signs were normal. Skin was yellowish discolored, but there was no obvious scratch mark. Sclera was deeply icteric. Conjunctiva was not pale. No spider angiomata or gynecomastia was noted. Cardio-pulmonary examinations were unremarkable. Abdomen was soft and flat, and there was no tenderness. Liver, gallbladder and spleen were not palpable. There was no shifting dullness. Extremities were freely movable and without pitting edema. On digital examination of rectum, no tumor was felt. The color of stool was light brown. No blood or mucus was stuck on the glove.

      On admission, his white blood cell count was 7.4 K/μL, hemoglobin 13.4 gm/dL, platelet count 121 K/μL, and prothrombin time 12.8 sec (control 11.2 sec). Blood chemistry revealed normal blood urea nitrogen (18 mg/dL), creatinine (0.9 mg/dL), fasting blood sugar (97 mg/dL) and cholesterol (198 mg/dL). But liver tests showed serum albumin 3.4 gm/dL, globulin 3.5 gm/dL, total bilirubin 28.7 mg/dL, direct bilirubin 19.5 mg/dL, aspartate aminotransferase (AST) 89 U/L, alanine aminotransferase (ALT) 102 U/L, alkaline phosphatase (ALP) 972 U/L (normal < 220 U/L), gamma glutamyl transpeptidase (g -GT) 582 U/L (normal < 52 U/L). Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) and anti-hepatitis C antibody (Anti-HCV) were negative. Serum alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) was below 20 ng/ml, but carcino-embryonic antigen (CEA) was mildly elevated to 8.7 ng/ml. Urine bilirubin was positive, but urobilinogen was negative. No occult blood was shown in stool.

      The initial impression was "obstructive jaundice". Immediate abdominal ultrasound (Fig.1)disclosed dilated bilateral ducts with a small hypoechoic nodule at hilum, but normal size of gallbladder and common bile duct (CBD). No stone can be identified in the intra- or extra-hepatic ducts. The width of main pancreatic duct was also normal and pancreas was unremarkable. Bilateral percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography with drainage (PTCD) was performed. The cholangiogram (Fig. 2) revealed dilated bilateral intra-hepatic ducts with stenotic area around the bifurcation of right and left hepatic duct. The common hepatic duct (CHD), gallbladder,and CBD were free of tumor and normal in size. No filling defect could be identified in the whole biliary system. Because the stenotic area was so narrow that the drainage catheter could not pass through, the bile could only be drained externally. A cytological examination of bile obtained from the drainage bag disclosed only degenerative cells. Unfortunately, sepsis developed after the PTCD procedure. Despite strong antibiotic therapy, he passed away 10 days later. An autopsy was performed. Grossly, the liver was greenish. On cutting, there was a small (about 3×2 cm) whitish, ill-defined tumor encasing left hepatic duct after bifurcation and extending to the right hepatic duct (Fig. 3). Invasion of whitish tumor into surrounding liver parenchyma was evident. Microscopically, it showed adenocarcinoma in a desmoplastic stroma (Fig.4).


        這個52歲男性病人以前並無肝膽方面病史,一個月前開始注意到皮膚變黃,而且越來越嚴重,小便顏色也漸漸變深,呈現可樂的顏色。住院前幾天大便顏色開始變淡成為淺黃色。住院後的初步檢查指向有阻塞性黃疸的可能,而且為了盡快緩解病人的黃疸,於是為病人作了經皮穿肝膽管攝影術併膽汁引流(PTCD)。發病時期並無發燒或上腹痛的病史,而且平常亦不曾有併發黃疸、上腹痛、發燒的經驗,因此不像是膽道結石引起的阻塞性黃疸。膽管攝影顯示肝門區左右肝管匯合處有狹窄現象,而且造成兩邊肝管擴張,但是匯合處下方的總肝管、總膽管、及膽囊都沒擴張,因此判斷是Proximal bile duct tumor (又稱hilar cholangiocarcinoma或Klatskin tumor)。不幸病人最後死於敗血症。

Which test result in this patient may be suggestive of obstructive jaundice EXCEPT
ASerum alkaline phosphatase
BSerum cholesterol
CSerum bilirubin
DUrine urobilinogen
For this patient, clay-color stool may be a clue leading to the suspicion of complete obstructive jaundice. What component or derivative of bilirubin contributes to the normal brown color of stool?
CConjugated bilirubin
DUnconjugated bilirubin
Which liver test do you think will be most useful for the differential diagnosis of jaundice between hepatocellular injury and biliary obstruction?
ARatio of ALP to ALT
BRatio of direct bilirubin to toal bilirubin
CRatio of AFP to ALT
DRatio of AST to ALT
The cytological study of bile in this patient failed to yield carcinoma cells. What maneuver do you think will increase the yielding rate EXCEPT
AProcess bile specimen promptly for cytologic examination
BCollect bile after a fatty meal
CPerform brushing cytology during PTCD procedure
DCollect fresh bile from PTCD after a brief clamping of tube
Obstructive jaundice is the most frequent presenting symptom in patients with hilar cholangiocarcinoma. Which symptom or sign is LESS possible?
DPalpable gallbladder
Cholangiocarcinoma is defined as "intrahepatic bile duct carcinoma", and can be divided into peripheral type and hilar type. Precursor lesions of hepatobiliary system are not identifiable in most cases. Which is the LESS frequent precursor lesion for cholangiocarcinoma?
APrimary biliary cirrhosis
CLiver fluke
DPrimary sclerosing cholangitis
Which radiologic investigation will be LESS important for hilar cholangiocarcinoma?
AEndoscopic retrograde cholangiography
CDuplex ultrasound
The tumor in this patient is the typical sclerosing type. What is the most frequent route of spreading for this type of tumor?
CLocal invasion
DPeritoneal seeding
Preoperative evaluation of curative surgical resection should be made in every patient with hilar cholangiocarcinoma. Which is the criterion of unresectability EXCEPT
AInvolvement of the trunk of the main portal vein
BBilateral involvement of hepatic arterial or portal venous branches
CCholangiographic evidence of extensive contralateral ductal spread
DExtensive unilateral ductal involvement and liver parenchymal invasion
Which description about hilar cholangiocarcinoma is WRONG?
AMost tumors are slow growing
BTumor recurrence is high after surgical resection or liver transplantation
CThe association with hepatolithiasis is not as high as for peripheral cholangiocarcinoma
DAfter curative resection, survival for longer than 10 years is impossible



  1.  (B) Serum cholesterol 在prolonged cholestasis時才比較會升高,此case的obstructive jaundice時間還不夠長,因此不見得會高。
  2. (A) 大便的Brown color是由bilirubin及urobilinogens崩解後產生的polymers of dipyrroles 而來的。
  3. (A) Obstructive jaundice時ALP上升比較明顯,ALT上升比較不明顯。Hepatocellular injury時則相反。
  4. (B) Fatty meal後膽囊收縮不太可能幫助carcinoma cell的取得,因為阻塞部位是在膽囊之上。
  5. (D) 原因同上題,膽囊沒有理由會漲大,除非另有其他原因。
  6. (A) PBC並不常發生各種型態的cholangiocarcinoma。
  7. (D) Duplex ultrasound及angiography是判斷可否切除的種重要依據,膽道同位素檢查則不比cholangiography可清楚描繪腫瘤的範圍。
  8. (C) Local invasion是cholangiocarcinoma最重要的擴散方式。
  9. (D) 第四種情形還是可以考慮partial hepatectomy來切除腫瘤。
  10. (D) 全世界有少數病人腫瘤切除後活了十年以上,顯示這種病人還是不能以各種理由輕率的放棄開刀切除的機會。

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