有效期間:民國 90年03月16日 90年03月31日

    Case Discussion

      A 29-year-old lady was admitted to the hospital because of right upper quadrant pain, fever and jaundice for three days.

Brief History 

     This patient, a foreign labor from Indonesia, came to Taiwan in last June. She had been well until last early July when she experienced right upper quadrant pain, fever and jaundice for 3 days. She visited local Hospital and then was transferred to our emergent department on July 8 with the impression of acute cholangitis with Klebsiella pneumoniae bacteremia. After administration of two doses of parental cefoxitin(MefoxinTM), she was transferred to another hospital due to unavailable bed at our hospital.

      She visited our emergent department again on July 15th with a 2- week history of pain in the right upper quadrant along with fever and chills. An abdominal ultrasonography (figure 1) showed gall bladder polyp, dilated right intrahepatic duct, marked hepatosplenomegaly and enlarged, lobulated-shaped kidneys with heterogeneous echogenecity. An abdominal CT scan (figure 2) revealed marked hepatosplenomegaly, suspicious liver abscess over segment 6 & 7, streaky enhancement of bilateral renal parenchyma and minimal ascites. Her cholangitits improved with cefoxitin. Mild disseminated intravascular coagulation process was detected by laboratory study but recovered soon after control of infection. Serial examinations for evaluation of the hepatosplenomegaly including hematologic, rheumatologic and virologic studies did not yield definite diagnosis. She was discharged on July 24thafter cholangitis under control. No further study was performed due to fear of losing her job in Taiwan.

     She presented to our emergent department again on Aug 5th with fever, skin rash and jaundice for 3-4 days. Antibiotics with cefoxitin was given again based on previous result of blood culture. Abdominal ultrasonography on Aug 8th demonstrated similar result as previous abdominal echo. Fever and leukocytosis subsided after administration of cefoxitin for 3 days at ER. She was then admitted for further evaluation of the hepatosplenomegaly.

      On admission, her body temperature was 36°C, the pulse rate was 72/min and the respiration rate 24/min. The blood pressure was 130/70 mmHg. On physical examination, the patient was relatively well nourished but appeared acutely ill. Pale conjunctiva and icteric sclera were noted. The breath sound was clear without crackles or wheezing. The heart sounds were regular without murmur. The liver was 1.5 finger- breadth's palpable below xyphoid process and the splenic tip was palpated at 2 finger- breadth's below left subcostal margin. The abdomen was soft without shifting dullness or tenderness.

Course and treatment:

     Initially, infiltrative disease such as disseminated tuberculosis with liver, spleen and kidney involvement was suspected yet the PPD test was negative. However, another spiking fever accompanied with vomiting with greenish content developed on Aug 15th (Day 10 of cefoxitin). No abdominal pain was complained. The blood test showed leukocytosis with a left shift. Since her general condition was fine, all antimicrobial agents were held. Klebsiella pneumoniae sepsis with disseminated intravascular coagulation and elevated bilirubin, ALP and gamma-GT were noted on Aug 19th. Antibiotics with ceftriaxone (RocephinTM) and metronidazole were used under the impression of suspected Klebsiella pneumoniae liver abscess or partial treatment of Klebsiella pneumoniae cholangitis or ameobiasis. Fever subsided on the following day and then metronidazole was discontinued. An endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreatographic study (ERCP) (figure 3) was performed on Aug 22nd with the suspicion of possible structural anomaly of biliary system because of repeated biliary tree infection and it disclosed dilated right intrahepatic ducts. Liver biopsy was performed on Aug 25th and congenital hepatic fibrosis (figure 4) was diagnosed. No fever occurred and antibiotic was then shifted to oral ciprofloxacin since Aug 26th. Upper gastrointestinal panendoscopy was also performed on Aug 31st to rule out portal hypertension with resultant esophageal varices but only superficial gastritis was found. She was then discharged on Sep 1, 2000 under stable condition.


本病例產生右上腹痛、發燒及黃疸, 即典型膽管炎的Charcot's triads 症狀。 因病人反覆發生膽管炎, 而進一步的腹部超音波發現局部膽道擴張但並無明顯膽結石或腫瘤, 因此懷疑是否為膽道先天性異常。 一系列影像學檢查包括Abdominal CT, ERCP 和 MRCP診斷為Caroli’s disease/syndrome。(Caroli's disease/syndrome: a characteristic biliary disease resulting in cholangitis, lithiasis and liver abscess...., and often associated with congenital hepatic fibrosis, polycystic liver disease or renal cystic disease.) 。 因 Caroli's disease 可能合併 congenital hepatic fibrosis 加上臨床上無法解釋的hepatosplenomegaly 此病人接受了肝切片。病理報告證實病人合併有congenital hepatic fibrosis. 此外從一系列影像學檢查推測腎臟變化為medullary sponge kidney. 只可惜未能有病理佐證。 Caroli's disease以膽管炎及相關的併發症為主要表現, 根據擴張膽管的型式及有無合併congenital hepatic fibrosis可分為:(1) Bilobar (Diffuse type) 及Unilobar type (2)Simple type (Classic Caroli's disease) 及 Periportal fibrosis type (Caroli's syndrome)。 本病例診斷為Caroli's syndrome, unilobar type, associated with congenital hepatic fibrosis and medullary sponge kidney 。診斷可藉由1. Abdominal sonography 2. Abdominal CT 3. ERCP 4. MRCP 等顯示極具特徵性的膽管變化。 因常併發膽管炎, 而且因合併congenital hepatic fibrosis 導致肝硬化及厲害門脈高壓, 故長期預後欠佳。

Which of the following description of clinical manifestation of Caroli's syndrome is wrong?
ARight upper abdominal pain
CImpaired liver function
Which of the following description has ever reported to be associated with Caroli's syndrome?
ALiver and biliary malignancy
BCholedochal cyst
CPolycystic kidney
DMedullary sponge kidney
EAll of above
Which of the following descriptions of Caroli's syndrome is WRONG?
AMen and women are equally involved
BRight upper abdominal pain, fever and jaundice are most common symptoms
CThe prognosis of Caroli's syndrome is good
DThe Caroli's syndrome is a rare, congenital, multi-focal segmental dilation of intrahepatic bile ducts
Which of the following descriptions of Caroli's syndrome is TRUE?
AA.The Caroli's syndrome is a characteristic biliary disease resulting in cholangitis, lithiasis and liver abscess, and often associated with renal cystic disease
BThe simple type is more common
CHepatic resection may decrease the incidence of malignancy
DAll of above is true
Which of the following descriptions of Caroli's syndrome is TRUE?
AThe etiology of Caroli's syndrome might be due to development arrest of embryonic ductal plate
BThe mostly inheritance mode is autosomal recessive
CAutosomal recessive is seemed more likely associated with congenital hepatic fibrosis and ARPKD
DAll of about is true
Which of the following treatment of Caroli's syndrome is WRONG?
ACholangiojejunostomy for unilobar type
BInternal biliary drainage
COrthotopic liver transplantation for unilobar type
DPortacaval shunt and TIPS
Which of the following description of the pathology of Caroli's disease is Wrong?
ASaccular or monoliform dilation of the large intrahepatic bile ducts
BThe segmental bile ducts are primarily affected, but the left and right hepatic ducts and branches of the segmental ducts may be involved
CThe component of intrahepatic stones may be bilirubinate or Cholesterol
DThe inflammatory process is rare
Which type of choledochal cyst according to the Todan's classification is Caroli's disease?
AType I
BType II
DType IV
EType V
Which of the following method for diagnosis of Caroli's disease has most sensitive demonstration of the anatomy of the biliary system and communication with between cystic dilatation?
AX- ray of abdomen
BAbdominal echo
CAbdominal CT
Which of the following description of medullary sponge kidney is Wrong?
ATubular cystic lesions in the inner medulla
CProgress to renal failure in early age
DAsymptomatic until complicated with urolithiasis and urinary tract infection



  1. (C) The liver function is usually well preserved
  2. (E)
  3. (C) The prognosis of Caroli's syndrome is poor
  4. (C) Hepatic resection may decrease the incidence of recurrent cholangitis and lithiasis but can not reduce the incidence of malignant change
  5. (D)
  6. (C) Orthotopic liver transplantation for diffuse type
  7. (D). The inflammatory process is common and bile plug is usually seen
  8. (E)
  9. (D)
  10. (C) Usually asymptomatic until complicated with urolithiasis and urinary tract infection; rare progress to renal failure without complication of urolithiasis and urinary tract infection

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