有效期間:民國 92年09月01日 92年09月15日

    Case Discussion

Case presentation:

A 69-year-old woman was sent to the emergency room because of vomiting for 10 days and dyspnea for 3 days.

She was a case of cervical cancer s/p ATH 2 years earlier and ventral hernia s/p laparoscopic herniorrhaphy last year. Postprandial vomiting occurred occasionally during the past two decades. In the past years, vomiting progressed with increased frequency, accompanied by progressive dysphagia for solid foods and liquids. She also experienced dyspepsia and acid regurgitation. Chest X-ray (CXR) showed a tortuous structure with air-fluid level at paratracheal region (Fig. 1 ) one year ago, when she underwent laparoscopic herniorrhaphy. Upper gastrointestinal (UGI) barium study showed slow passage of barium through a tortuous, dilated esophagus with prolonged transitional time (Fig. 2,Fig 3). Abdominal CT scan showed dilated esophagus with fluid filling and air-fluid level (Fig. 4,Fig 5 ), but no mass or space-taking lesion at gastro-esophageal junction. The lower-esophageal-sphincter (LES) manometry with stationary pull through method showed that basal LES pressure was 38-44mmHg and relaxation of LES was incomplete. Achalasis was impressed but the patient refused UGI endoscopy and surgical intervention. However, she had a weight loss of 5 kgw during the last 3 months. Since 10 days prior to the emergency room, she started to have aggravated vomiting with a frequency of 10 times per day, followed by productive cough and dyspnea on exertion for 3 days. Physical examination revealed the body temperature was 39℃ and bilateral coarse breathing sounds. Routine laboratory tests reveal leukocytosis with left shifting. Pneumonia was diagnosed after CXR confirmation.

Course and Treatment:

Antibiotic therapy was started for aspiration pneumonia. In addition, nasogastric tube was inserted for decompression. After pneumonia resolved, Heller esophagomyotomy was performed. Operative findings included stenosis and muscular hyperplasia at gastro-esophageal junction, proximal esophageal dilatation above gastro-esophageal junction, and severe and diffuse lung adhesion, especially at diaphragm. Post-operative course was uneventful. She tried oral intake 2 days after operation and was discharged 10 days after operation. She reported neither dysphagia nor food regurgitation at OPD thereafter.

Case Analysis:

Achalasia is the most recognized, primary esophageal motility disorder characterized by absence of distal peristalsis, abnormal lower esophageal sphincter relaxation, and raised lower esophageal sphincter pressure (>45 mm Hg). The cause of achalasia is currently unknown. Hereditary, degenerative, autoimmune, and infectious factors are possible causes. Among them, the latter two are the most commonly accepted. Pathological changes seen in the esophageal myenteric (Auerbach's) plexus include a prominent but patchy inflammatory response, loss of ganglion cells, and some degree of myenteric neural fibrosis.

As the disease progresses, UGI barium study may show that the esophagus becomes more dilated and tortuous and contains retained food and saliva with air-fluid level. Esophageal manometry is the key test to establish the diagnosis. The pressure of the lower esophageal sphincter is usually raised (never low), but can be normal (10–45 mm Hg) in up to half of patients. Abnormal lower-esophageal-sphincter relaxation is seen in all achalasia patients, and about 70–80% of patients have absent or incomplete relaxation with wet swallows. Some tumors of the gastro-esophageal junction can produce pseudoachalasia. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, endoscopic ultrasonography, and/or computed tomography scans are needed to help make the diagnosis of pseudoachalasia.

Treatment option for achalasia is limited to reducing the pressure gradient across the lower esophageal sphincter, thus facilitating esophageal emptying by gravity. Pneumatic dilation is the most effective non-surgical treatment option for patients with achalasia. About 30% of patients might require subsequent dilations. The main adverse event with pneumatic dilation, which occurs at a cumulative rate of 2%, is esophageal perforation.

Surgical myotomy for achalasia involves carrying out an anterior myotomy across the lower esophageal sphincter (Heller's myotomy). Myotomies are usually done laparoscopically through the abdomen with a 1–2 cm distal myotomy onto the stomach. The major complication is uncontrolled gastro-esophageal reflux in about 10% of patients. Up to 30% of patients can feel better and still have poor esophageal emptying. Simple objective testing such as follow-up manometry or a timed barium swallow might help to define objective improvement after treatment.

Smooth-muscle relaxants including sublingual isosorbide dinitrate or calcium blockers can be taken prophylactically before meals or as necessary for pain or dysphagia. Endoscopic injection of botulinum toxin type A into the lower esophageal sphincter is the most recent treatment alternative for achalasia.


1. Lancet 2001;358:823-28
2. Am J Gastroenterol 1999;94:3406-3412

Achalasia is a:
AAcute inflammatory disorder
BChronic inflammatory disorder
CNeoplastic disease
DPrimary esophageal motility disorder
ESecondary esophageal motility disorder
Achalasia is not characterized by:
AAbsence of distal peristalsis
BAperistalsis not present in the body of the esophagus
CAbnormal lower esophageal sphincter relaxation
DRaised lower-esophageal-sphincter pressure (>45 mm Hg)
EManometric abnormalities confined to the distal two-third of the esophagus
Which statement regarding with the symptoms of patients with achalasia is not correct?
ADysphagia is common for both solids and liquids.
BHeartburn is rarely reported.
CFood regurgitation occurs commonly in the recumbent position.
DWeight loss is usually minimal and some patients are obese.
EChest pain is frequently present but not relieved by rest.
Which statement regarding with the diagnosis of patients with achalasia is not correct?
AEsophageal manometry is the key test for establishing the diagnosis.
BHypertensive LES pressure is an essential feature in manometry.
CLow amplitude esophageal contraction is a supportive feature in manometry.
DEarly in the disease, UGI barium study may show that the esophagus is normal in diameter.
EEarly in the disease, UGI barium study may show to-and-fro movement in the supine position.
Which of the followings is not a common radiographic feature of achalaisa:
A"Bird beak" appearance of the LES with incomplete opening
BLoss of primary peristalsis
CDelayed esophageal emptying
DDilated or sigmoid-like esophagus
EEsophageal hiatal hernia
The causes of achalasia are least likely to be:
Which of the following treatment strategies is not correct:
AImpaired LES relaxation is rarely reversed by any mode of therapy.
BTreatment option is limited to reducing the pressure gradient across the LES
CThe treatment of achalasia always aims to facilitate esophageal emptying by gravity.
DThe treatment of achalasia always aims to prevent the development of mega-esophagus.
EThe treatment of achalasia always aims to restore muscular activities to the esophagus in achalasia.
Which of the followings regarding with pneumatic dilation is not correct:
AThe most effective non-surgical treatment option.
BPneumatic dilation uses a balloon dilator, which is inflated to a pressure tearing the muscle fibers of the LES.
CAbout 30% of patients might require subsequent dilations.
DThe procedure cannot be done on an outpatient basis because recovery is not rapid.
EThe main adverse event with pneumatic dilation is esophageal perforation.
Which of the followings regarding with surgical interventions of achalasia is not correct:
AHeller's myotomy involves an anterior myotomy across the LES.
BMyotomies are usually done laparoscopically.
CThe major complication of myotomy is uncontrolled gastro-esophageal reflux.
DLoose Nissen fundoplication is one of the antireflux procedures used in combination with Heller’s myotomy.
EMyotomy should be combined with an antireflux procedure.
Which of the followings regarding with pharmacological treatment of achalasia is not correct:
ASublingual isosorbide dinitrate or calcium blockers can be taken prophylactically before meals or as necessary for pain or dysphagia.
BThese two drugs mentioned above in "A" provide variable relief of symptoms but their effectiveness tends to decrease with time.
CBotulinum toxin injected endoscopically into the LES inhibits the calcium-dependent release of acetylcholine from nerve terminals.
DThe symptoms may recur within 6 months after botulinum toxin injection, possibly because of regeneration of the affected receptors.
EMyotomy is not difficult and also effective in patients previously treated with botulinum toxin.



食道失弛緩症之病人最常見之症狀為包含固態及液態食物之吞嚥困難(dysphagia)、食物的反芻(特別是recumbent position)、胸痛(但不因運動而加重或因休息而減輕)、心窩灼熱(多因渚留於食道之食物產生之乳酸而非因為胃酸逆流)。病人在診斷時,體重往往只是輕微減輕,甚至有部分病人之體重實為肥胖。懷疑食道失弛緩症之病人常接受上消化道鋇劑攝影檢查(UGI barium study),在疾病早期鋇劑攝影檢查食道可為正常管徑,但此時病人平躺已可見鋇劑成往復性運動。在疾病進行期,鋇劑攝影檢查可見下食道擴約肌部呈鳥嘴(bird beak)狀、無原發性蠕動、食道排空延遲、食道異常擴張及扭曲,食道裂孔疝氣並不常見(約1-14%)。食道壓力檢查(esophageal manometry)為目前診斷之最重要檢查。其基本異常(essential features)為「中及下食道無蠕動」及「下食道擴約肌弛緩異常」,支持性異常(supportive features)為「下食道擴約肌高壓」及「低度食道收縮」。

在治療方面,目前並無方法可以有效改善下食道擴約肌弛緩異常或重建食道之肌肉收縮。其治療主要以減低跨下食道擴約肌壓力差,進而借重力促進食道排空,以防止食物渚留及食道擴張成巨大食道(mega-esophagus)。手術治療以Heller氏肌肉切開術(Heller's myotomy)為主,目前以經腹腔鏡跨下食道擴約肌前肌肉切開為主流。其主要併發症為胃食道胃酸逆流,Heller氏肌肉切開術有時會合併實施抗逆流手術(antireflux procedure),但抗逆流手術並非必須。氣球擴張術為非手術治療之最有效治療方法,由於術後恢復快,故可以以門診治療方式進行。雖然氣球擴張術很有效,但仍有約30%病人需要後續之再擴張。而其最嚴重之併發症為食道破裂。藥物治療可利用飯前舌下isosorbide dinitrate 或 calcium blockers達到預防吞嚥困難或胸痛之效果,不過其效果往往依時而逐漸變差。利用上消化道內視鏡注射Botulinum毒素於下食道擴約肌抑制鈣離子依賴性乙醯膽鹼(acetylcholine)之釋放,約85%病人可有效減輕症狀,但六個月後超過50%病人之症狀會復發。部分報告指出,接受上消化道內視鏡注射Botulinum毒素之病人,爾後接受Heller氏肌肉切開術會較困難、較無效,其原因可能為注射Botulinum毒素處形成粘膜下瘢痕所致。

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