有效期間:民國 94年11月16日 94年11月30日

    Case Discussion

<Case report>

A 42-year-old housewife had no history of dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting, easily fatigue or weight loss in the past few years. Ten days before coming to our hospital, she suffered from episodes of tarry stool passage and dizziness. The symptoms persisted, even after treatment by local medical doctors. She was then transferred to our ER. Physical exam revealed that she had significant tachycardia and general pallor. The laboratory data showed that she had severe anemia (Hb 6.2%, Hct 20.1%) with mild PT prolongation (PT 14.3 sec, control 11.9 sec, InR 1.3). She received blood transfusion with Packed-RBC 4 units. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy revealed an active bleeder in the high body of the stomach on the lesser curvature. Diluted Bosmine (1:10000) 8ml was locally injected for injection hemostasis. However, due to too much blood, the lesion visualization was poor. The initial impression of endoscopy examination was bleeding from the LC side high body, r/o Mallory-Weiss syndrome, ulcer or lymphoma.

After admission, NPO, intravenous injection of LosecR , fluid and nutrition supply were given. Two days later, the repeated endoscopy revealed a tumor lesion on the lesser curvature in the high body to middle body of the stomach. The tumor had abnormal friable mucosa, erosive surface, nodular structure and was easily bleeding on touch. Biopsy confirmed a poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma (see picture 1). Abdominal CT showed an enlarged lymph node near the gastric lesion without evidence of liver metastasis. The bone scan asserted multiple bone metastases, which conformed to her complaints of generalized soreness and pain (see picture 2 ).

However, tarry stool persisted during the hospitalization. The following data of PT, APTT and platelet were shown on table 1. Packed RBC, FFP, and platelet were prescribed with only partial response. An episode of fever (39.3℃) developed and the blood culture, urine analysis and culture were all negative. At the same time, empiric antibiotics was prescribed until a negative blood culture was yielded. The disseminated intravascular coagulopathy (DIC) profile was abnormal (see table 2) and cancer related acute DIC was diagnosed by the oncologist. On the 24th day after admission, she died of acute hemorrhagic complication after receiving the first course of chemotherapy.

【Table 1】Coagulopathy and thrombocytopenia happened during admission and poor response to transfusion therapy
  Day 1 Day 18 Day 21 Day 24
PT InR 1.3 4.2 2.5  
APTT (sec[control]) 32.3 [34.9] 61.9 [35.3] 48.0 [33.5]  
Platelet (/uL) 210000 92000   27000

【Table 2】DIC profile on the 23rd day
Fibrinogen 199.5 mg/dl (N: 200-400)
FDP 178.0 g/ml (N: <5)
D-dimer: 7351 g/L (N: <250)


Many paraneoplastic conditions are infrequently found in gastric carcinoma, such as: microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, membranous nephropathy, the sudden appearance of seborrhcic keratosis (the Leser-Trelat sign), filiform and popular pigmented lesion in skin folds and mucous membranes (acanthosis nigricans), chronic intravascular coagulation leading to arterial and venous thrombi (Trousseau's syndrome), and in rare cases, dermatomyositis. It is also rare to find acute disseminated intravascular coagulopathy (DIC) as the first manifestation of gastric cancer.

Most metastasis region of gastric adenocarcinoma was intra-abdominal lymph node, liver spread, and peripheral organ invasion. The computed tomography (CT) scans of the abdomen can delineate the extent of the primary tumor, the presence of nodal or distant metastasis. Patient, who has diffuse bone metastasis and hematologic disorders while gastric cancer diagnosed, was very rare also. The clinic-pathological features and prognosis in these patients was poor. They have several characters, including rapid clinical course, relative younger age, significantly related to undifferentiated adenocarcinoma, and elevated levels of serum LDH and ALP-bone isoenzyme.

The onset of acute DIC can be the first manifestation of gastric malignant tumor and the sudden appearance of the hemorrhagic syndrome. It is associated with thrombocytopenia, hypofibrinogenemia and elevated fibrin/fibrinogen degradation products (FDP), without infectious disease or bone marrow impairment. Bleeding is one of the most common complications in these patients. Severe hemorrhage can happen suddenly and may be rapidly fatal. However, these patients were always failure of treatment by heparin, FFP and platelet transfusion.

Yeh (et al.) of NTUH reported his experience about successful initial treatment with HDFL in gastric cancer associated acute DIC. HDFL means“high dose 5-fluorouracil and leucovorin”. It is composed with 5-fluorouracil 2600mg/m2 and leucovorin 300mg/m2, and prescribes 24-hour infusion weekly. The regimen is used for treatment advanced gastric cancer before, and it is an effective and low-toxic regimen for patients with poor general condition.

The toxicity of HDFL, including myelosupression and mucositis, was minimal. However, some patients treated with high dose 5-fluorouracil infusion therapy may lead to hyperammonaemia, lactic acidosis and encephalopathy. Yeh (et al.) recommended that (1) encephalopathy is an important complication of HDFL treatment; (2) HDFL-related encephalopathy is associated with unique biochemical changes of hyperammonaemia, lactic acidosis and hypocapnia; and (3) patient with hypotriglyceridaemia are relatively contraindicated for HDFL treatment.

There was the other effective regiment, employed in VGHTPE, called “Weekly EEPFL” for treatment advanced gastric cancer with tolerable toxicities. It is consisted of weekly etoposide 40 mg/m2 intravenous (i.v.) infusion over 30 min; weekly epirubicin 10 mg/m2 i.v. over 5 min; and cisplatin 25, 5-fluorouracil 2200 and leucovorin 120 mg/m2 given simultaneously by weekly 24-h i.v. infusion. Chao (et al.) applied weekly EEPFL for advanced gastric cancer with acute DIC. Successful initial treatment of patients with acute DIC was found. However, DIC symptoms eventually recurred in all patients in association with tumor progression. Once DIC recurs after initial control, prognosis is grave.

In conclusion, acute DIC can be the first manifestation of gastric cancer. These cases were rare and relative younger in age. The clinical course was rapid and fetal. The prognosis was poor. Most patients died from hemorrhagic complication. Chemotherapy is the only way to alert the rapid clinical course. There were 2 effective regiments published. The toxicity of these regiments was minimal and tolerable. While we meet the patient, early diagnosis and immediately chemotherapy could rescue the patient.

C血型為O 型者,比A 型更易得胃癌.
下列何者不屬於胃癌的 paraneoplastic syndrome?
Aacute disseminated intravascular coagulopathy and/or microangiopathic hemolytic anemia
Bmembranous nephropathy
Cchronic intravascular coagulation leading to arterial and venous thrombi (Trousseau's syndrome)
Acanthosis nigricans是指胃癌病人的何種臨床表現?
D血清中的LDH與ALP-bone isoenzyme偏高
(a) HDFL
(b) CEOP
(d) BEP
A 對於胃腺癌 (gastric adenocarcinoma) 而言,手術切除所有的腫瘤和鄰近的淋巴節提供唯一痊癒 (cure) 的機會
B對於胃腺癌而言,目前已有足夠證據顯示手術後的輔助性 (adjuvant) 化學治療可減少復發的機會
C對於大多數原發性胃淋巴癌 (primary gastric lymphoma) 的治療而言,胃次全切除 (subtotal gastrectomy) 絕對必要
D對於胃的低惡性度 MALT 淋巴癌 (gastric MALT lymphoma) 而言,在考慮其他治療以前,不需要考慮幽門螺旋桿菌 (Helicobacter pylori) 的清除
Blumer's shelf 是指胃癌侵犯何處?
胃癌病患的常規檢查(routine examination),不包括下列何者?
A上消化道內視鏡 (UGI panendoscopy)
B上消化道照影(UGI series)
C腹部電腦斷層攝影 (abdominal CT)
D骨骼掃瞄 (Bone scan)


  1. (C ) 胃癌的發生與血型無關。
  2. (D ) 詳見討論第一段,胃癌有很多罕見的副腫瘤症候群,除了腦病變以外。
  3. (A ) Acanthosis nigricans是一種filiform and popular pigmented lesion,長在skin folds and mucous membranes。
  4. (B ) 胃癌合併廣泛性血管內凝血的病人,發病年齡均較輕,據統計為(52.6±10.7)歲。
  5. (C ) 立即進行化學治療,乃治療腫瘤引發DIC、延長病人生命的唯一辦法。
  6. (A ) 台大醫院目前以HDFL為主,台北榮總發表過EEFPL的相關報告。
  7. (A ) HDFL的毒性低,骨髓抑制(myelosupression)的狀況並不常見。
  8. (A ) 手術切除胃腺癌體和鄰近的淋巴結,乃唯一提供痊癒的機會。
  9. (D ) Blumer's shelf 是指轉移性的胃癌或大腸癌「掉到」骨盆腔的腹膜上。
  10. (D ) 骨骼掃瞄並非胃癌病患的常規檢查,除非病人有骨骼轉移的症狀。

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