有效期間:民國 95年09月16日 95年09月30日

    Case Discussion

<Chief complaints>

Post-prandial vomiting for three weeks.

<Present illness>

A 45 y/o man had been healthy before until 6 months prior to admission, when he began to suffer from retrosternal chest dull pain shortly after a large meal, which could be relieved through increased water intake initially. However, the symptoms aggravated in the past 3 weeks and could only be alleviated by self-induced vomiting. He also complained of dysphagia and spontaneous post-prandial vomiting during this period, and he had a weight loss of 8 kg in 3 months. He visited our OPD for help, where esophagogram revealed a large submucosal tumor at the cardiac portion of the stomach. He was then admitted for further evaluation and management.

Physical examination revealed an acute ill-looking man with clear consciousness. The blood pressure was 110/70 mmHg, body temperature 36.2 oC, pulse rate 80 0/min, and the respiratory rate was 18/min. The conjunctiva was not pale, and the sclera was anicteric. The cardiac and pulmonary auscultations were unremarkable.

The abdominal examination revealed a distended abdomen with hypoactive bowel sounds on auscultation, and tenderness and rebound tenderness on palpation in the lower abdomen. Muscle guarding was also noted. The liver and spleen were both impalpable.

<Laboratory data>

WBC RBC Hb MCV Plat Seg Eos Baso Mono Lym
/ul 106/ul G/dl fl 103/ul % % % % %
6000 4.95 12.4 78.4 231 92.0 0.3 0.1 3.4 4.2

g/L/g/L mg/dl U/L U/L U/L U/L mg/dl mg/dl U/L U/L mM mM mM
4.2 0.56 39 28 187 19 19 1.0 1.1 472 141 3.8 2.3

sec sec mg/dl
11.1/11.2 32.7/33.9 115

<Image study>

CT of Abdomen (圖1):

Abdominal CT with/without contrast enhancement showed :
  1. A large (12x6.5cm) lobulated homogeneous submucosal mass was found at the gastric body with a satellite lesion at the gastric fundus. The gastric cardia was also involved with dilatation of the lower esophagus.
  2. There were multiple LNs around the mesenteric root and the foramen of Winslow.
  3. The left adrenal gland was hypertrophic.
  4. Atelectasis at RLL. There were multiple adjacent nodules (at least 6 in number) found at LLL.
  5. A left renal cyst. Splenomegaly.

Panendoscopy (圖2)& EUS (圖3)

Gastric submucosal tumor with ulceration, fundus, upper body, PW, favoring gastrointestinal stromal tumor

A 8.7x9.6cm lobulated heterogeneously hyperechoic tumor, originating in the fourth layer of gastric wall was identified. Surface ulceration was noted. Cystic change with septa at the periphery of the tumor was also observed.

Op Findings and method

  1. A 12*12*6 cm cardiac tumor, with posterior invasion to the preaortic fascia, adrenal gland and pancreas. Fowl smell(+).
  2. On incision, the character of the tumor: a submucosal elevation with central necrosis
  3. The tumor was not resected completely because of invasion to nearby organs and the aorta.

Op Method :

  1. Total gastrectomy with esophagojejunostomy (retrocolic)
  2. Jejunostomy


Gastric malignant lymphoma, esophageal involvement.

<Course and treatment>

After admission, endoscopic ultrasound revealed a gastric submucosal tumor with ulceration and abdominal CT scan revealed a large gastric submucosal tumor. Therefore, general surgeon was consulted for surgical resection of the tumor. Total gastrectomy with esophago-jejunostomy, retrocolic (Roux-en Y anastomosis) and jejunostomy were performed smoothly on 2004/07/21. The postoperative period was uneventful and he restarted intake smoothly. The final pathology report showed malignant lymphoma and an oncologist was consulted for further treatment. He was discharged 2 weeks after operation in stable condition.


胃淋巴瘤(gastric lymphoma)是一少見的胃惡性腫瘤,約占胃原發惡性腫瘤的2%。從另一方面來看消化道是非何杰金氏淋巴瘤(Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma)淋巴結外最常侵犯的器官,其中又以胃為最常見。有研究報告高達75%的原發消化道淋巴瘤都是來自胃。其中最好犯的年齡是50歲以上,性別是男性。

胃淋巴瘤被認為是從黏膜和黏膜下層起源的,大部份的淋巴瘤常常擴散性地生長在黏膜層,黏膜下層及肌肉層。胃淋巴瘤幾乎都是非何杰金氏淋巴瘤(Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma),根據Working Formulation的分類最常見的是Diffuse large B-cell type。



治療方面包括傳統手術、化療及電療,目前以化療為主要,電療效果較不確定。手術則主要對侷限性腫瘤,有治癒效果及對進行性癌有姑息性目的(Palliative surgery)。


  1.  Frazee RC, Roberts J. Gastric lymphoma treatment: medical versus surgical. Surg Clin North Am 1992;72:423-31.
  2. Coulson WF. The Stomach. In: Coulson WF, ed. Surgical Pathology, Philadelphia:J.B. Lippincott Company, 1988:123-5.
  3. Dworkin B, Lightdale CJ, Weingrad DN, et al. Primary gastric lymphoma: a review of 50 cases. Dig Dis Sci 1982;27:986-92.
  4. Azab MB, Henry-Amar M, Rougier P, et al. Prognostic factors in primary gastrointestinal non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Cancer 1989;64:1208-17.
  5. Shiu MH, Nisce LZ, Pinna A, et al. Recent results of multimodal therapy of gastric lymphoma. Cancer 1986;58:1389-99.
  6. Weingrad DN, Sherlock P, Straus D, et al. Primary gastrointestinal lymphoma: A 30 year review. Cancer 1982;49:1258-65.

What's the incidence of primary gastric lymphoma ?
What is the most commonly involved GI organ of extra-nodal involvement of lymphoma ? 
Csmall intestine
What is the most common type of Gastric lymphoma ?
Asmall T cell type
Bsmall B-cell type
Cdiffuse large T-cell type
Ddiffuse large B-cell type
What is the good prognostic factors of gastric lymphoma ?
Atumor larger than 5 cm
Bfemale sex
Cold age
Dlymph node involvement
Which is the least effective treatment for gastric lymphoma ?
Which examination is not necessary in this case ?
ABone marrow biopsy
CAbdominal CT
D Bone scan


  1. (A) 胃淋巴瘤占約2%的胃原發惡性腫瘤
  2. (B) 胃是最常見的占75%
  3. (D ) 胃淋巴瘤幾乎都是B細胞,分類多為Diffuse large cell
  4. (B) 良好預後因子為:女性、早期(IE,IIE),及手術可切除. 不良預後因子為:大於5cm的腫瘤,serosa侵犯,淋巴結侵犯及老年人。
  5. (B) 以電療效果,最不確定。
  6. (D ) 6. lymphoma 的staging 並不需要bone scan。

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