有效期間:民國 99年02月01日 99年02月28日

    Case Discussion

[Case Presentation]

A 21-year-old woman sought medical attention at an endocrinology clinic in March 1999 due to weight gain, hypomenorrhea and hypertension. Physical examination revealed freckles over the bilateral cheeks (figure 1 ), moon face, buffalo hump, hirsutism, and purple stria over the abdomen and thighs. Blood tests were performed, which revealed elevated plasma cortisol (28.2 μg/dl; reference values, 5 ~ 24 μg/dl in the morning and 2.5 ~ 12.5 μg/dl in the afternoon) and depressed adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH, 3.0 pg/ml; reference, 10 ~ 65 pg/ml). Both low-dose and high-dose dexamethasone suppression tests failed to suppress the cortisol level. ACTH-independent Cushing’s syndrome was suspected. Computed tomography of the abdomen after administration of contrast medium revealed multiple hypodense nodular lesions at the bilateral adrenal glands, which suggested adrenal cortical hyperplasia (figures 2 and 3). Bilateral adrenalectomy was performed after complete evaluation to reveal bilateral pigmented nodular cortical hyperplasia (figure 4 ). Residual adrenal tissue was transplanted to the left inguinal area. However, functional evaluation performed in August 1999 revealed graft failure. In the follow-up period, she received regular steroid supplement and remained free of symptoms suggestive of adrenal insufficiency.

In July 2007, she began to experience progressive anorexia, dizziness, lethargy and exercise intolerance, for which she was hospitalized. Orthostatic hypotension was noted and blood tests revealed elevated liver enzymes (AST 106 U/L; ALT 92 U/L) and hyperbilirubinemia (total bilirubin, 2.16 mg/dl), and a serum sodium and potassium level of 132 mmole/l and 5.2 mmole/l, respectively. Abdominal sonography revealed mild fatty liver, a hepatic cyst and bilateral pleural effusions. Serological markers of viral hepatitis and autoimmune profile, including anti-nuclear, anti-smooth muscle and anti-mitochondrial antibodies, were all negative. A gastrointestinal consultant suggested drug-related hepatitis due to the previous history of use of herbal remedies. Treatment with stress-dose hydrocortisone was began, resulting in gradual alleviation of the symptoms. Follow-up liver function tests also showed improvement. A diuretic was prescribed for pitting edema and weight gain. Steroids were gradually tapered to physiological dose, and she was discharged.

About two months later, she was taken to the emergency department due to progressive dyspnea, orthopnea and bilateral lower leg edema for 2 days. Her temperature was 37.0℃, pulse rate 92 beats per minute, respiratory rate 20 breaths per minute, and blood pressure 78/58 mmHg. Physical examination revealed jugular vein distention, pitting edema of bilateral lower limbs and positive hepatojugular reflex. Auscultation revealed grade II diastolic murmur at the cardiac apex. The electrocardiogram showed right atrial enlargement and right ventricular hypertrophy. Chest X-ray showed cardiomegaly (figure 5). Laboratory tests revealed normal cardiac enzyme levels and an elevated B-type natiuretic peptide level (BNP, 1089 pg/ml). Echocardiogram showed a large left atrial tumor with its stalk attached to the intra-atrial septum (figure 6 ), mitral flow obstruction, tricuspid regurgitation and pulmonary hypertension. Emergent tumor excision was performed while she was receiving supplement of stress-dose hydrocortisone. A fragile red-yellowish tumor, originating from the dorm of the left atrium, was found to occupy the left atrial chamber and extend into the left ventricle through mitral annulus, with severe distension of the right ventricle. The symptoms improved dramatically after the operation, and the BNP level also dropped to 140 pg/ml. Pathology of the excised tumor showed an atrial myxoma. With the presentation of bilateral adrenal nodular cortical hyperplasia and cardiac myxoma, the diagnosis of Carney complex was made. The steroid supplement was tapered gradually to a physiological dose, and the patient was discharged under a stable condition.


自1980年代初期,即有病例報告指出,在一些患者的身上,會同時出現皮膚色素沉著及黏液瘤(myxoma)的病變:如Atherton等人於1980年所發表的NAME症候群(N- nevi:痣;A- atrial myxoma:心房黏液瘤;M- myxoid neurofibroma:黏液樣神經纖維瘤;E- ephelide:雀斑),及Rhodes等人於1984年所發表的LAMB症候群(L- lentigines:斑;A- atrial myxoma:心房黏液瘤;M- mucocutaneous myxoma:黏膜及表皮的黏液瘤;B- blue nevi:藍痣)。而在1985年,Carney等人發表了40人的病例系列,其同時出現的症狀,包括了皮膚色素沉著、內分泌功能亢進、及黏液瘤。次年,此一表徵即被統稱為卡尼氏複合症(Carney complex, CNC)。而先前所發表的NAME或LAMB症候群,也被認為可能是卡尼氏複合症的表現。



卡尼氏複合症的皮膚病灶以雀斑、藍痣、交界痣(junctional nevi)、複合痣(compound nevi)及表皮黏液瘤為表現;其中,以雀斑最為常見。皮膚病灶可出現在體表各個不同的位置,如:臉頰、上下唇、眼瞼、耳朵、會陰部、甚至是口腔或是生殖器的表皮黏膜處。


在卡尼式複合症的患者身上,最常出現的內分泌功能異常,為非促腎上腺皮質素依賴性之庫欣氏症(adrenocorticotropic hormone-independent Cushing’s syndrome),其發生率可達25~30%。與其他原因引起的庫欣氏症相較,卡尼氏複合症的庫欣氏症是由極少見的腎上腺皮質病變-原發性色素結節腎上腺病(primary pigmented nodular adrenocortical disease)-所引起;而發病時間則集中在2~3歲及20~30歲這兩個年齡帶。然而,在一些病人身上,皮質素過量的表現可能為亞臨床、非典型或著是週期性的,使得診斷較為困難。至於在影像學方面,雖然患者的腎上腺會有典型的多發性色素結節,但整個腎上腺的體積卻不一定有顯著的變化。因此,即便是最常用於評估腎上腺的影像學檢查- 電腦斷層,在此類病人身上,也僅能偵測出約70%的腎上腺病灶。除了庫欣氏症之外,其他與內分泌系統有關的病變,諸如因腦垂腺之分泌生長激素(growth hormone)腺瘤所引起的肢端肥大症(acromegaly)、良性或惡性的甲狀腺腫瘤、男性的睪丸腫瘤(如大細胞鈣化性史托利細胞腫瘤,large cell calcifying Sertoli cell tumor)、及女性的卵巢囊腫或囊腺瘤(cystadenoma)等,亦都曾在卡尼氏複合症的患者身上被發現過。


心臟黏液瘤,可說是卡尼氏複合症最嚴重的併發症:因其可以造成心臟血流輸出的阻塞、血管栓塞、中風、甚至死亡。與偶發性的病例相較,卡尼氏複合症的心臟黏液瘤之發病年齡呈平均分佈,且其病灶可在心臟的任何一個房室中多次發生;也因為這樣的特性,故卡尼氏複合症的患者,應定期接受心臟超音波的篩檢及追蹤。而在一些較為困難的病例中,經食道心臟超音波(trans-esophageal echocardiogram)及心臟核磁共振造影(cardiac magnetic resonance imaging)亦可幫助相關的診斷。


除了上述各項併發症之外,其他像是黑色素性史旺細胞瘤(melanotic schwannoma)、乳管腺瘤(breast ductal adenoma)、乳房黏液瘤(breast myxoma)及骨軟骨黏液瘤(osteochondromyxoma)等,都曾在卡尼氏複合症的病例中被報告過。


在遺傳性的病例中,卡尼氏複合症呈現出顯性遺傳的型態。就目前所知,與此症有關的染色體位置(locus)主要有兩個:分別是位在17q22-24的CNC1及位在2p16的CNC2。而這兩處變異所呈現的表現型(phenotype)並無顯著的不同。CNC1所含的基因,為cAMP訊息傳遞路徑中的關鍵角色-protein kinase A-之調控1-alpha次單元(regulatory subunit 1-alpha),即PRKAR1A。一些病例報告指出:PRKAR1A基因的去活化突變(inactivating mutation),與內分泌腫瘤的發生有關,意味著PRKAR1A可能為一腫瘤抑制基因(tumor suppressor gene)。在遺傳性的病例中,約有45~60%的患者均帶有PRKAR1A的異合子型(heterozygous)去活化突變。另一方面,在CNC2所含有的基因變異,至今仍未完全釐清。






  1. The complex of myxomas, spotty pigmentation, and endocrine overactivity. Medicine (Baltimore), 1985. 64(4): p. 270-83.
  2. Carney complex (CNC). Orphanet J Rare Dis, 2006. 1: p. 21.
  3. Carney complex, a familial Cushing's syndrome due to primary pigmented nodular adrenocortical disease: a case report. Kaohsiung J Med Sci, 2002. 18(12): p. 627-31.
  4. Carney complex with primary pigmented nodular adrenocortical disease and bilateral papillary thyroid carcinoma occurring 11 years apart: a case report. Endocrinologist, 2005. 15(4): p. 243-247.
  5. Clinical and molecular features of the Carney complex: diagnostic criteria and recommendations for patient evaluation. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 2001. 86(9): p. 4041-6.
  6. Carney complex: pathology and molecular genetics. Neuroendocrinology, 2006. 83(3-4): p. 189-99.
  7. Mutations of the gene encoding the protein kinase A type I-alpha regulatory subunit in patients with the Carney complex. Nat Genet, 2000. 26(1): p. 89-92.
  8. Minireview: PRKAR1A: normal and abnormal functions. Endocrinology, 2004. 145(12): p. 5452-8.

目前已知引起卡尼氏複合症(Carney complex)的基因突變,下列何者為是?
(1) 皮膚色素沉著
(2) 腎功能異常
(3) 骨質疏鬆
(4) 內分泌功能亢進
(5) 黏液瘤
A潰瘍 (ulcer)
B雀斑 (freckle)
C白斑 (vitiligo)
D濕疹 (eczema)
E鱗狀細胞癌 (squamous cell carcinoma)
A庫欣氏症 (Cushing’s syndrome)
B肢端肥大症 (acromegaly)
C甲狀腺功能亢進 (hyperthyroidism)
D副甲狀腺功能亢進 (hyperparathyroidism)
E 腎上腺功能不全 (adrenal insufficiency)
在卡尼式複合症的患者身上,心臟黏液瘤 (cardiac myxoma) 的好發年齡為?
A1 ~ 3歲
B10 ~ 20歲
C30 ~ 40歲
D50 ~ 60歲
E心臟超音波 (echocardiogram)、經食道心臟超音波(trans-esophageal echocardiogram)及心臟核磁共振造影(cardiac magnetic resonance imaging)可協助診斷

  1. C ) 目前已知PRKAR1A去活化的突變(inactivating mutation)與卡尼氏複合症的產生有關:其可能為一腫瘤抑制基因(tumor suppressor gene)。
  2. E ) 卡尼氏複合症的典型症狀表徵,包括了皮膚色素沉著、內分泌功能亢進及黏液瘤。
  3. B ) 卡尼氏複合症的皮膚病灶,以雀斑最為常見。
  4. ( A ) 在卡尼式複合症的患者身上,最常出現的內分泌功能異常,為非促腎上腺皮質素依賴性之庫欣氏症(adrenocorticotropic hormone-independent Cushing’s syndrome),其發生率可達25~30%。
  5. E ) 卡尼氏複合症的心臟黏液瘤之發病年齡呈平均分佈
  6. ( D ) 卡尼氏複合症的心臟黏液瘤,可在心臟的任何一個房室中多次發生;故患者應定期接受心臟超音波的篩檢及追蹤。

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